Culture is a ecosystem where Talent thrives and contribute discretionarily for Superlative performance. This ecosystem named Culture is created basis the consistent behaviours demonstrated by most influencing people & leaders in a team or Organisation which is further driven by belief, mindset, values, principles and ways of working constituting the “Middle Line” impacting the “Topline” & “Bottom Line”.
Following are the top ten visible indicators & growth barriers before CHROs & CEOs which are sheer outcome of inadequate or lack of focus of the senior management on the most vital lever of effective management termed “Culture”. This is also indicative of the fact that the Organisation or Institutions are absolute ignorant about Plan C which facilitate building of “High Performance Culture”
- High attrition of consistent good performers and young talents: Research data suggest that the High attrition of consistent good performers & young talents is proportionate to toxic and polluted culture. More pollution in Culture, higher the mortality rate of high performing talent
- High voluntary Absenteeism across organisation: If the right steps are not taken to diagnose and then improve the way of working, biggest issue in the organisation is high voluntary absenteeism which is key sign of high level of mental & emotional dis-engagement
- Poor Engagement scores besides low team productivity: Next biggest challenge is in the form of poor team productivity due to high dis-engagement score and working by talent for the sake of working
- Sluggishness in growth resulting into downsizing of talent: The above mentioned three challenges leads to poor & sluggish growth because of poor productivity of dis-engaged high performing talent due to bad culture. This further accentuate the problem in the form of downsizing of talent due to financial mess created in the organisation by below par performance.
- Toxic work environment due to burnout talent and mounting pressure to perform: The deadly concoction of bad culture, disengaged talent and sluggish growth create a vicious cycle of knee jerk reaction in the form of toxic work environment full of bickering and politicking resulting into “Only pressure of work with no respite from further higher pressure” resulting further Burnout of talent and attrition push.
- CEO cribbing that HR is not supporting the business objectives of transformation with growth mindset: With mounting pressure of not delivering the committed Revenue & Profitability targets due to Organisation melt down on account of spiral effect of bad culture, high attrition of talent, setting in of mediocrity, CEO find a scapegoat in the form of HR for blaming for all the issues without realising that HR was the first to flag off the outcome of zero focus of CEO on the correcting and aligning the culture as per the Business & organisation vision and imperatives. Blame Game in such scenario is no solution but appreciating the need to immediately correct the problem in hand by listening and supporting each other.
- Vague picture regarding achieving business transformation & growth through culture transformation: Due to vague approach followed regarding so called culture transformation for Business transformation & impact, it is never been taken very seriously by CEO or Board and therefore implementation of any such efforts doesn’t heed any positive response. Scientific and credible Culture diagnostics & assessment tool with sound & robust approach of linking the Business metrics with stepwise improvement of impactful values linked behaviours through measurable interventions shall establish the trust & confidence of all stakeholders and here Plan C approach play a signficant role
- Non-alignment of strategy, plan, Values, aspirations with the desired culture: The biggest reason of Culture transformation projects failing is non-alignment of strategy, plan, Values, aspirations with the desired Culture vision, strategy, design, actions and KPIs. Most of the time is it done in any organisation like “good to have” tick box activity only to exhaust left over HR Budget but with no strategic goal or plan
- Reactive mindset towards growth and achievement: Due to Plan A (Strategy execution focused Organisation) orientation and Plan B (Back up focused risk management Organisation) orientation , most of the time mindset towards growth & achievement is reactive rather than responsive or proactive due to which huge Opportunity losses are faced by Organisations. Plan C (Culture focused Organisation) orientation make the Organisation proactive and ready for overcoming challenges poses by VUCA environment.
- Huge crisis situation regarding poor survival rate of the organization and high need to recover from the ICU: Due to above mentioned reasons, Culture eat strategy all three meals resulting into erosion of Organisation Values & value further creating deep & irreversible crisis which lead to high mortality rate of such myopic organisation and therefore there recovery is like a shock treatment given in ICU with complete turnaround of fundamental culture pillars and support system.